Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Age of Love - WTF?

While watching "Last Comic Standing" (this season looks okay, stay tuned for blogging on that some other day), I saw a preview for "Age of Love." This show has to be the most ridiculous form of blatant sexism on TV today. This is eloquently explained by
I just want to add, though, these women might have signed up for a dating show, but did they know the full results? Perhaps those women fully knew how they'd be grouped and depicted, and I won't question their to choose that. However,just become those women agree, does that make it fit for prime time tv?
It's outrageous. Grey's Anatomy correctly takes a stance against homophobic slurs and eliminates a well loved character, but no one thinks to stop a show that is so clearly misogynistic? I thought television executives were finally accepting some responsibility for the messages they put out in society.
There is a slim chance for redemption - some of the commercials just introduce the show with a tag line of does age matter if you want to fall in love, or something along those lines. However, when the groups are called "kittens" and "cougars," I remain skeptical that this show will not be the worst of all the dating shows. Really, if this show was about whether love was ageless, and all the women agreed to compete, would there be a need for grouping of the women with those titles? We couldn't stick to the old format created by "The Bachelor" ?

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